

Special Topics in Finance (ITF414)

Course Objective: The course is designed to provide an introductory analysis into capital markets and mortgage finance. Understanding capital markets and mortgage finance are critical to analyze other financial sub-sectors and provide insight to general economic analysis. In the context of lectures, the following subjects will be specifically analyzed; institutions in capital markets (i.e. CMB, ISE etc.), capital market activities (IPO, margin trading etc.), capital market instrumens (stocks, fixed-income securities, corporate bond, derivatives, FX etc.), capital market crimes (manipulation, insider dealing etc.), investment banking and securities firms, Turkish capital markets, corporate governance, risk management in capital markets, housing finance in Turkey, primary/secondary mortgage markets, structured finance, global financial crisis etc.

Learning Outcomes: The students who succeeded in this course;

  • Finansal piyasalara ilişkin temel kavramlarının açıklanması
  • Finansal piyasalarla ilgili temel kavram, kurum ve sistemlerin (politikaların) yerel ve küresel örnekler çerçevesinde incelenmesi
  • Yatırım bankaları, büyük yatırımcılar (yatırım fonları), uluslararası düzenleyici kurumlar (BIS, OECD, IMF, WB, FSB gibi) kredi derecelendirme kuruluşları gibi finans piyasalarının temel finansal kurum ve aracılarının incelenmesi
  • Reel sektörde ve finansal kurumlarda kurumsal yönetim ve risk yönetimine yönelik düzenleyici altyapının incelenmesi
  • İpotekli konut finansmanına yönelik incelemeler çerçevesinde çeşitli oyuncular açısından
  • Küresel finansal krizin neden ve sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi

CourseContent: We primarily aim to analyze fundamentals of capital markets/mortgage finance and also to discuss their links to financial/non-financial sub-markets. In addition to theoretical framework, we also specifically analyze case studies and practices in Turkey and leading financial centres. To review the framework of the SPK (Capital Markets Board of Turkey) Licensing Exams would be accepted additional non-academic benefit of the course.




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