Halil Eroğlu

Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB)

Board Member and CEO (retired)


Detaylı Özgeçmiş

Halil Eroğlu - CV (1.9 MiB)






Halil Eroğlu Short Bio

Halil Eroğlu was born in Karşıyaka in 1952. He graduated from the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Finance at Ankara University and began his career at Türkiye İş Bankası, where he served in various positions from 1976 to 1996. He worked as the general manager of Dışbank (1998-1998), İş Finansal Kiralama (1998-2001), and Sınai Yatırım Bankası (2001-2002). Mr Eroğlu has been a member of TSKB’s Board of Directors and the Bank’s CEO since March 22, 2002. He was retired in 30 May 2011.




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